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3 benefits of drinking water during post-op recovery

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Water is one of the most abundant elements on the planet and in our bodies. It is said that 71% of the Earth’s surface is composed of it [5] and it makes up 60% of the human anatomy [6]. So, the benefits of drinking water seem obvious when we find a high relationship between us and the world we inhabit.

However, some people don’t consume the minimum recommended levels of water during the day, even after undergoing a plastic surgery procedure.

For this reason, we have compiled the most relevant information on the subject so that you can be intentional about improving your daily intake if you are not doing so and remember the importance of this practice during your post-op recovery. 

Is drinking 1 liter of water a day enough?

Apparently, it wouldn’t be. According to The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that the recommended daily intake of water-containing fluids, including beverages and foods, would be [2]:

  • About 15.5 glasses (3.7 liters) of fluids per day for men
  • About 11.5 glasses (2.7 liters) of fluids per day for women

Nevertheless, each body may need more or less depending on the case. Factors such as climate, general health condition, sports activity or pregnancy and/or breastfeeding status may change the total amount of fluids required during the day.

To know if you are drinking enough water, notice if you feel thirsty a few times a day and check if your urine color is colorless or a very light yellow. If so, you are probably drinking adequate amounts of water. You may also want to consult with your doctor or nutritionist to determine the right amount for you.

Does drinking water help keep skin hydrated?

There is not much research that proves that drinking more water than normal by itself has any impact on skin hydration [1], but we do know that dehydration can cause the loss of skin elasticity and rough skin. 

So, drinking water would help maintain water levels in the epidermis, but it would need the help of dermatological solutions recommended by the doctor so that it does not leave the body easily.

drinking water

3 benefits of drinking water during post-op recovery

All cells, tissues and organs of the body need water to function properly. Thus, its consumption will be vital for the normal functioning of the body and a quick recovery after surgery.

Some of the main benefits of drinking enough water during postoperative period are:

  1. Eliminate toxins: wastes are expelled through urine, perspiration and bowel movements, which will help body’s inflammation after the intervention [2].
  1. Reduce swelling: When your skin looks swollen, it is essentially retaining water to protect you from dehydration when you don’t drink enough. So increasing your hydration levels will reduce swelling in your body and/or face [4].
  1. Maintain blood flow: Blood contains cells that carry oxygen and initiate healing processes. So, if we want good healing, fluid replenishment is important [3].

If you don’t like to drink water, how can you stay hydrated?

According to recommendations suggested by the Mayo Clinic, you can also stay hydrated by consuming fruits and vegetables with high water composition such as watermelon or spinach [2]. In addition, you could drink beverages such as milk, natural juices and herbal infusions, avoiding those with excessive added sugar. However, water consumption will always be the beverage of choice.

You may also be interested in reading: What foods to eat after plastic surgery?

In summary

Consuming enough water throughout the day will prevent dehydration of the skin and allow you to achieve a faster post-op recovery. Water helps to eliminate toxins from the body, reduce fluid retention and maintain blood flow after surgery.

If you want to know more about postoperative care after plastic surgery in Colombia, you can write to us to receive more information about our services and start your pre-consultation process with us.

Another post you would like to read: Why are postoperative massages important?



[1] Gibson, M.D, L., 2022. Si tomo agua, ¿tendré la piel hidratada?. [online] Mayo Clinic. Available at: <https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/expert-answers/hydrated-skin/faq-20058067> [Accessed 20 May 2022].

[2] Mayo Clinic. 2022. How much water do you need to stay healthy?. [online] Available at: <https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/water/art-20044256#:~:text=About%2015.5%20cups%20(3.7%20liters,fluids%20a%20day%20for%20women> [Accessed 20 May 2022].

[3] Medina, T., 2022. Por qué es importante tomar agua después de la cirugía. [online] listindiario.com. Available at: <https://listindiario.com/la-vida/2019/02/09/552779/por-que-es-importante-tomar-agua-despues-de-la-cirugia> [Accessed 20 May 2022].

[4] The Maryland Institute of Plastic Surgery | Baltimore, MD. 2022. 10 Amazing Skin Benefits From Drinking More Water | The Maryland Institute of Plastic Surgery. [online] Available at: <https://www.mdinstituteplasticsurgery.com/10-amazing-skin-benefits-from-drinking-more-water/> [Accessed 20 May 2022].

[5] Usgs.gov. 2022. How Much Water is There on Earth? | U.S. Geological Survey. [online] Available at: <https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/how-much-water-there-earth> [Accessed 20 May 2022].[6] Usgs.gov. 2022. The Water in You: Water and the Human Body | U.S. Geological Survey. [online] Available at: <https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/water-you-water-and-human-body> [Accessed 20 May 2022].


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