Home English 3 medical tips you must know before plastic surgery

3 medical tips you must know before plastic surgery

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If you have made the decision to undergo a surgical procedure, it is normal to feel a little nervous in the days before plastic surgery. You want to prepare yourself in the best possible way and follow the best medical advice you can find.

Although the best you can do is to implement the indications given by your plastic surgeon, you may look for other  indications in different media to enforce or validate the above.

That is why we have compiled the three best tips that experts in the field agree on slowing down anxiety levels and helping patients be prepared for surgery.

[H2] What should you do before plastic surgery?

Even though each surgeon has their own preferences and viewpoints, they concur in some relevant aspects that patients of plastic surgery must consider when they are preparing for a procedure in their country or abroad.

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Below, we show you the main key points you should take into account: 

1. Approach surgery with the right mindset

Having a good mental attitude and realistic expectations of the surgery make a big difference. Talk to your doctor, express your fears, and focus on the excellent results that thousands of patients have obtained after the operation you will undergo. 

In addition, it is recommended to practice meditation activities and physical exercises to reduce anxiety levels and to promote good quality sleep during the days prior to plastic surgery. Of course, avoid great efforts during the day you receive surgery.

2. Follow instructions regarding food, beverage, and medications

Plastic surgeons recommend having a light dinner the day before surgery and not eating or drinking, not even water, after midnight. Its purpose is to prepare the body for the surgical procedure. In addition, avoiding alcoholic drinks and/or smoking are suggested as well.

It is also important to let your doctor know if you are under any medication or dietary supplement. Regarding the case, it is possible you may have to suspend the medication or receive instructions for its use before and after surgery.

3. Pack your suitcase and garments the night before surgery

Prepare what you’ll take with you and avoid mishaps. Prepare a suitcase where you make sure to bring everything you need: personal documentation, hygiene products, underwear or post-surgical compression garments, etc. 

Remember not to wear makeup, take out the jewelry from your body, remove nail polish and cut your nails. Also, leave credit cards or valuable objects you won’t use at home.

In addition, choose comfortable and loose fitting clothing for the in and out of the clinic. Wear glasses instead of contact lenses. Take a shower with antibacterial soap and wash your hair with the shampoo of your preference.

On the other hand, if you need to wax around the area to be operated on, do it a few days before surgery, and not the night before or the morning of the operation. 

In summary

Every patient has a different reaction as the day of their surgery approaches. Some patients ignore or forget what they should do, and others overreact and overthink everything. 

That is why it is recommended to follow your plastic surgeon’s medical indications and take action into relaxation. A proper mental approach, body prepping, and a piece of organized luggage the night before surgery will grant you the mental peace you’ll need to get through the procedure day successfully.

Besides, you can always request BetterMe‘s services so that you don’t miss any detail.  We’ll make sure you get the customized assistance that remembers everything you need for your plastic surgery in Colombia.

So, get in touch with us and let’s start arranging every detail of your surgery in the charming country of magical realism. Achieve the results you desire and become your best self. 


[1] Prepare For Cosmetic Surgery & Recovery. (s. f.). Cleveland Clinic. Recuperado 2 de febrero de 2022, de https://my.clevelandclinic.org/cosmetic-plastic-surgery/what-to-expect/checklist

[2] Preparing for Your Surgery. (s. f.). Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center. Recuperado 2 de febrero de 2022, de https://www.deserthillsplasticsurgery.com/plastic-surgery-preparation[3] Furnas, H., MD. (2019, 23 abril). Having plastic surgery? Here’s how to prepare for a smooth recovery. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Recuperado 2 de febrero de 2022, de https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/having-plastic-surgery-heres-how-to-prepare-for-a-smooth-recovery


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