Home Breast Augmentation 3 myths and truths about breast augmentation

3 myths and truths about breast augmentation

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Breast augmentation, also known as a boob job, is one of the most requested plastic surgeries by patients and celebrities around the world. However, it continues generating some concerns among people nowadays.

That’s why, we have compiled all the facts that disprove or confirm some of the most popular myths created around this famous surgery in this post.

Learn the DOs and DON’Ts after breast augmentation surgery

breast augmentation

3 myths you should know about breast augmentation

1. You cannot breastfeed

False! You can breathe and be certain you’ll be able to naturally feed your baby with breast implants. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are no reported cases over the last years about women with implants who’ve had breastfeeding issues.

The implants are placed behind the milk-producing glands or under the breast muscles, to avoid any interference with the ducts, through which breast milk is expelled[8]

2. You’ll lose nipple sensibility

Not completely true! It is quite uncommon that women totally lose sensibility in their nipples after breast surgery. And, in case it happens, it is often recovered within a short time. Or at least so mentions the plastic surgeon Karol A. Gutowski in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ question and answer forum:

In most cases, breast augmentation with any type of implant may have temporary nipple numbness that gets better in a few weeks. It is rare for the numbness to be permanent. Once things are healed, you may do [whatever] you like with your nipples.”[10]

3. Breast implants can explode in a plane or submarine

This urban myth is so famous that it was even investigated by the Discovery Channel TV show, MythBusters, in 2003, concluding that it was a complete lie.

Breast implants are so remarkably safe today that they could retain their shape, even if they were to rupture. 

The materials they are made of can withstand an incredible amount of pressure before yielding, so no matter what altitude you travel to or how deep you dive, it won’t make your breast deflate[12].

Thanks to science we know that the only ways for an implant to break, are through a severe trauma such as a car accident, a sharp object trauma, damage done by a surgical instrument, or due to the substance’s standard deterioration[11], for which brands ensure it’s very durable.

3 truths you should know about breast augmentation 

1. Your boobs can look natural

Usually, the plastic surgeon will recommend an implant size that is proportional to your body and that keeps a natural fall to avoid a fake result. 

If you take a look at some celebrity examples like Kate Hudson or Kelly Rowland, breast augmentation plastic surgery isn’t synonymous with giant breast, or F size, if that ain’t your wish. That’s why communication with your plastic surgeon becomes a key aspect to express your desire for a more discrete result.

2. You won’t be able to work out immediately after surgery

Just as with any other plastic surgery, the first weeks are crucial to obtain desired results. In the case of a boob job, you must follow certain postoperative cares such as using a special bra or avoiding harsh movements that may affect the scarring of the treated area.

In other words, it’ll be better to avoid doing physical activities and sports until your plastic surgeon recommends2]

3. I will be able to sleep facing down with my boobs done

This is true! Although you must avoid sleeping face down during your first recovery days, this will not be a drawback to do it later. Once you are fully recovered from surgery, you’ll be able to sleep in this position if you wish to.

In summary

Not everything that’s said about breast augmentation plastic surgery is true. That’s why we invite you to filter what you hear under the scientific knowledge of experts in the topic and the recommendations made by your plastic surgeon.

If you want more details on this plastic surgery procedure or have some other inquiries you wish to resolve, you can go to our blog and read some of our suggested articles on breast augmentation, or directly ask one of our plastic surgeons for an answer during the medical evaluation you request through BetterMe

Contact us to begin your pre-consultation process and to arrange the journey to Colombia that will change the form of your breast.

Find out why Colombia is a good place for plastic surgery


[1] BetterME. (2022, 20 Enero). Breast augmentation – BetterME. BetterME – Become Your Best Self. https://bettermegroup.com/breast-augmentation/

[2] Aumento de senos – Mayo Clinic. (2021, 29 julio). Mayo Clinic. Recuperado 19 de enero de 2022, de https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/tests-procedures/breast-augmentation/about/pac-20393178

[3] Alta tras cirugía estética de las mamas. (s. f.). Medlineplus.gov. Recuperado 19 de enero de 2022, de https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/patientinstructions/000273.htm

[4] myhealth.alberta.ca. (s. f.). Breast Enlargement Surgery: What to expect at home. Recuperado 19 de enero de 2022, de https://myhealth.alberta.ca/health/AfterCareInformation/pages/conditions.aspx?hwid=tw12671&

[5] Watson, S. (2012, 16 mayo). Breast Implants. WebMD. Recuperado 19 de enero de 2022, de https://www.webmd.com/beauty/cosmetic-procedures-breast-augmentation#4

[6] B. (2021, 26 julio). Breast Implant Myth: Will My Breast Implant Explode when I am on a Plane? BreastAugmentation101. Recuperado 22 de febrero de 2022, de https://www.breastaugmentation101.com/will-my-breast-implant-explode-on-plane/

[7] Breast Surgery. (2021, 1 febrero). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recuperado 24 de febrero de 2022, de https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/breastfeeding-special-circumstances/maternal-or-infant-illnesses/breast-surgery.html

[8] Think You Can’t Breastfeed After Implants? Think Again. (s. f.). Johns Hopkins Medicine. Recuperado 24 de febrero de 2022, de https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/think-you-cant-breastfeed-after-implants-think-again

[9] Will I Lose Sensitivity In My Nipples After Breast Augmentation? (2022, 24 Enero). Restora Austin. Recuperado 24 de febrero de 2022, de https://www.restoraaustin.com/will-lose-sensitivity-nipples-breast-augmentation/#:%7E:text=Completely%20loss%20of%20sensitivity%20to,likely%20to%20experience%20sensation%20loss

[10] Ask a Plastic Surgeon. (s. f.). Ask a Plastic Surgeon. Recuperado 24 de febrero de 2022, de https://www1.plasticsurgery.org/psconnect/askasurgeon/detail.aspx?thread=843

[11] Swezey E, Shikhman R, Moufarrege R. Breast Implant Rupture. [Updated 2022 Jan 21]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK459308/

[12] Is there a risk of implant explosion of breasts during commercial flying? (2012, 25 Enero). RealSelf. Recuperado 24 de febrero de 2022, de https://www.realself.com/question/explosion-breasts


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