Home English Top 5: Most popular male plastic surgeries

Top 5: Most popular male plastic surgeries

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Whether you are uncomfortable with abdominal fat or the asymmetry of some parts of your body, plastic surgery has become the best option to correct those imperfections that both women and men complain about. 

Even though men may not openly discuss it, they also seek to improve their appearance with surgical procedures. For example, male cosmetic surgery accounted for 8% of total surgical procedures performed in the United States in 2019 and it increased by 9% the number of surgeries performed compared to the previous year. [2] 

Therefore, we feel it is important  to educate more people about this subject . So, we have set ourselves the task of looking for those plastic surgeries that men request in many surgeons’ offices and we have found some interesting information for you.

Keep reading and don’t miss the explanation of each one of them below

1. Male breast reduction

Gynaecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction, is a procedure used to tighten the sagged skin around the breast area. Gynaecomastia is the condition of having male breasts, it can be caused by a hormone imbalance or from being very overweight. 
The procedure is very similar to a female breast lift. The surgeon makes a small cut around the nipple, removes the excess fatty tissue and repositions the nipple. The technique used for the procedure may vary, and liposuction might be applied.[3]

Benefits of male breast reduction:

  • Reduce breast size, flatterning and enhacing chest contours.
  • Improve your posture and reduce back pain
  • Get motivated to workout, feeling free without bouncybreast

Check this article to know how laser liposuction and fat transfer work

2. Eyelid surgery

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a procedure that removes the concentrated fat and/or skin from the upper or lower eyelids. The drooping eyelid may appear due to aging, genetics, or due to a disease that causes it to droop. However, a delicate change in the area could widen the look without being exaggerated.

It is made with a tiny incision, leaving an almost imperceptible scar. The surgery is ambulatory and you may return to work and resume daily activities the day after the procedure.

Benefits of Eyelid surgery:

  • Look less tired, more juvenile, and with a wider visual range.
  • Get rid of eye bags and wrinkles.
  • Obtain softer skin aroun the eyes and long-lasting results.

3. Liposuction

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes fat and contours the body. There are two main types of liposuctions: traditional and laser. Both types of liposuctions share the same purpose, but the techniques and technology make the difference. We prefer to recommend laser liposuction for its high efficiency, natural results, low risk, among other benefits.[5]

To learn more about their distinction, check out this article on traditional lipo vs laser liposuction.

This procedure is ambulatory and most patients return to their daily activity the day after. The surgeon introduces a laser fiber through tiny incisions of approximately 1 centimeter. Then, the fiber moves back and forth while the laser’s energy dissolves the fat cells. Finally, the fat is removed delicately without causing any damage to the tissues. [6]

Benefits of Laser liposuction

  • It stimulates the process of new collagen production after surgery. This allows the skin to look tighter than before and feel firmer.
  • Its technology reduces the appearance of fibrosis in the skin.
  • Obtain a natural slim figure with easy recovery

4. Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, also known as “nose job” or “nose reshaping” is a surgical procedure that improves facial harmony and your nose’s proportions. It also corrects structural defects in the nose to help you breath easily. A deviated septum is one of the most common causes of breathing impairment, and it can be corrected by adjusting the nasal structure to produce better alignment.[4]

The procedure will depend on the patient’s case. The anesthesia will also depend on the case and surgeon’s recommendations, and it can be general or local with sedation (obviously depending on the  anesthesiologist pre-consultation advice). An incision is made on the base of the nose, at the nasals, and from there the surgeon can modify the cartilage, the septum, or modify its shape with different techniques.[7]

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

  • Improve the proportions of your face
  • Sculpt your nose the way that best suits you and correct imperfections
  • Repair your nasal tips and breath better.

5. Ear surgery

Otoplasty or ear surgery is a surgical procedure that corrects the size, position, or shape of the ears, reducing their projection and bringing harmony to the face. It provides immediate and permanent results.

Find out more about ear surgery in this post about 3 benefits of otoplasty

he procedure is ambulatory and guarantees natural results with fast recovery, and tolerable pain. Plus, the scars are practically imperceptible. The plastic surgeon makes a small incision behind the ear to work the cartilage into the desired shape. If deemed necessary, he will remove excess skin, if any. 

Depending on the needs or expectations of the patient, the ear will be repositioned closer to the head and the surgeon will proceed to close the incision with absorbable sutures that will be hidden from view. [8]

Benefits of Ear Surgery

  • Obtain greater symmetry in you ears and adequate size
  • Uplift your self-esteem and enjoy life with greater confidence
  • Improve your face proportions by making a small change with huge impact

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[1] The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. (2017). 2016 The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank Statistics. https://www.surgery.org/sites/default/files/ASAPS-Stats2016.pdf

[2] British Assosiation of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. (2020, marzo). Cosmetic Surgery Trends: Reduction in overall numbers as industry associations campaign for education and tighter regulation. Recuperado 5 de enero de 2022, de https://baaps.org.uk/about/news/1807/cosmetic_surgery_trends_reduction_in_overall_numbers_as_industry_associations_campaign_for_education_and_tighter_regulation/

[3] NHS website. (2021, 18 noviembre). Breast reduction (male). Nhs.Uk. Recuperado 5 de enero de 2022, de https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cosmetic-procedures/breast-reduction-male/

[4] American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (s. f.). Rhinoplasty. Recuperado 5 de enero de 2022, de https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/rhinoplasty

[5] Mordon, S., & Plot, E. (2009b). Laser lipolysis versus traditional liposuction for fat removal. Expert Review of Medical Devices, 6(6), 677–688. https://doi.org/10.1586/erd.09.50

[6] BetterME. (2021e, diciembre 24). Laser liposuction – BetterME. BetterME. Recuperado 27 de diciembre de 2021, de https://bettermegroup.com/laser-liposuction/

[7] Rinoplastia – Mayo Clinic. (2021, 2 marzo). Mayo Clinic. Recuperado 6 de enero de 2022, de https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/tests-procedures/rhinoplasty/about/pac-20384532

[8] BetterME. (2022, enero 6). Otoplasty – BetterME. BetterME. Recuperado 6 de enero  de 2022, de https://bettermegroup.com/otoplasty/


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