Home Cheek surgery (Bichectomy) Everything you need to know about bichectomy

Everything you need to know about bichectomy

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In recent years, celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Bella Habib or Eiza Gonzalez have been a source of inspiration for many patients who wish to obtain thinner and more defined cheeks. Hence, bichectomy is one of the most requested facial plastic surgeries in medical consultation.

For this reason, we have compiled the most important information about this procedure so that you can know in advance what to expect and make the best decision together with the medical opinion of your plastic surgeon.

What is a bichectomy?

Bichectomy is an outpatient and minimally invasive surgical procedure in which the fat pads located between the cheeks and jaw [2], known as Bichat bags, are removed, achieving a less rounded and more stylized facial contour [1].

Bichat bags don’t have any structural function in our face and their size may vary from one case to another due to genetic issues. These bags are responsible for giving the face a rounded appearance without having any relation with the overweight of the patients.

To perform this procedure, the plastic surgeon makes small laser incisions inside the mouth [4]. Then, the Bichat bags or fat pads are removed from the internal part of the cheeks [6] and the wound is sutured with absorbable stitches. As these are internal incisions, the scars from this procedure are never visible.

Can bichectomy change the smile?

Bichat bags removal will improve overall facial expression but it won’t change the design or morphology of your smile [7]. By removing some measures of cheeks, some patients may feel that their smile has a higher prominence or has better facial symmetry, but the smile shape will remain the same unless they undergo a dental procedure.


Does bichectomy remove the fat pads forever or can they come back?

Patients can return home the same day of the procedure and resume their daily activities the following day, as long as they follow all the medical recommendations. Among them, it is usual for the plastic surgeon to suggest resting for a day, using ice, chewing cold food, using chin compression garment and avoiding demanding sports for a period of time in order to achieve a speedy recovery.

What are the benefits of a bichectomy?

Bichectomy is a quick and easy recovery surgical procedure that offers the following benefits for those who decide to undergo it [3]: 

  1. Goodbye contouring makeup: one of the most popular makeup techniques in recent years is to contour the cheeks to give a slimmer appearance. With bichectomy, there will be no need for this because you will already have this effect naturally.
  2. Ambulatory: Bichectomy is a quick surgery that can take 15 to 30 minutes to perform and the patient can go home the same day. In addition, the procedure is minimally invasive and the incisions are invisible as they are inside the oral cavity.
  3. Symmetry in the face: this facial surgery allows to reduce the roundness of the contour and highlight the patient’s cheekbones to achieve a better harmony and proportion of this area of the face [8].


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In summary

In addition, the results of this surgery are permanent, it takes between 15 to 30 minutes to be performed by the plastic surgeon and the cicatrization is imperceptible to the public eye because the incision is made inside the patient’s oral cavity.

If you have more questions about bichectomy, we invite you to write to us to receive personalized assistance and resolve all your concerns about our plastic surgery services in Colombia such as prices, travel plans, medical staff, etc. Start your pre-consultation process with us today!  

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[1] American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 2022. Buccal Fat Removal. [online] Available at: <https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/buccal-fat-removal> [Accessed 28 July 2022].

[2] BetterME – Become your best self. 2022. Bichectomía – BetterME Cirujanos Plasticos Colombia. [online] Available at: <https://bettermegroup.com/bichectomy//> [Accessed 28 July 2022].

[3] Ceme. 2022. 5 Beneficios de la Bichectomía. [online] Available at: <https://www.centroceme.com/blog/beneficios-de-la-bichectomia/> [Accessed 28 July 2022].

[4] DAHER CEVA FARIA, C., SILVA DIAS, R., COSTA CAMPOS, A., DAHER, J., COSTA SABINO, R. and PIRES BARCELOS, L., 2018. Bichectomy and its contribution to facial harmony. [online] Revista Brasileira de Cirugía Plástica. Available at: <http://www.rbcp.org.br/details/2208/bichectomy-and-its-contribution-to-facial-harmony> [Accessed 28 July 2022].

[5] Fuentes, D., López, D., Moreno, D., Cardona, D., Ordaz, D. and Herrera, D., 2022. ¿Después de hacerme la bichectomia si no cuido mi alimentación, se me vuelven a regenerar las bolsas?. [online] Doctoralia.com.mx. Available at: <https://www.doctoralia.com.mx/preguntas-respuestas/despues-de-hacerme-la-bichectomia-si-no-cuido-mi-alimentacion-se-me-vuelven-a-regenerar-las-bolsas> [Accessed 28 July 2022].

[6] Matarasso, A., 2006. Managing the Buccal Fat Pad. [online] Oxford Academy. Available at: <https://academic.oup.com/asj/article/26/3/330/205411> [Accessed 28 July 2022].

[7] Moya Leija, D., Zúñiga Sánchez, D. and Romero Zarate, D., 2018. ¿Retirar las bolsas de bichat cambia la sonrisa?. [online] Multiestetica. Available at: <https://www.multiestetica.mx/preguntas/bolsas-de-bichat/retirar-las-bolsas-de-bichat-cambia-la-sonrisa#:~:text=La%20bichectomia%20no%20cambia%20la,valore%20y%20te%20de%20asesore.> [Accessed 28 July 2022].

[8] Stevão, E., 2015. Bichectomy or Bichatectomy – A small and simple intraoral surgical procedure with great facial results. [online] ACADEMIA. Available at: <https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/66885127/ADOH.MS.ID.555555-with-cover-page-v2.pdf?Expires=1659053339&Signature=dgCUrOAPOJrbbFtrtadSjvL4UEVQKl5v8IjE8hEzGfSYkRNd5NAYsDT1rI5iX7Xni75jf6G8bOIkQlsIlLWNfYoVsU~vGV0Soi1HC9FQGYV0xKKghHyzqA7-sNVNhwnzW4EmC7G5dlpQMTjuodz251d5WUfoLVKi-5nELsNk~sjxoyEK48tSyBNmb1eAdLAnxPiNF3-uyaK4actcmOIOAyd6g~7MYT9yJ4x2qjgBcZzxRf75ObmxAaqko0BnGjodI2PQKtNsgh6pbxqk9PLli7cYmPh5l2GYJ~d4vvQsNh1HfMkFM7naE0QuFALF0IcIUFdezocVil1KPRDY-04U1Q__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA> [Accessed 28 July 2022].



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