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Best plastic surgery options after pregnancy

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Maternity is a special stage in a woman’s life that involves both physical and emotional changes. Fortunately, plastic surgery has become the hope of many mothers to recover their body shape or to get a better one than they had before pregnancy.

Over time, the term “mommy makeover” has been popularized to refer to the surgical procedures that mothers often perform on their bodies to reconstruct and enhance their shapes. But, what surgeries do women typically request after pregnancy? 

Well, the answer is: it depends.The number and type of plastic surgeries that apply to the patient’s case will be determined by the plastic surgeon’s medical recommendation. That’s why we have compiled the five best plastic surgeries for a mommy makeover so that you can make the right decision when renewing your look.

Best plastic surgery options after pregnancy

5 plastic surgeries after pregnancy that you should know

Usually, women who’ve had transformations in their bodies due to pregnancy share similar issues. This is why you’ll find below the 5 most popular surgeries among mothers:

1. Mastopexy

If what you are looking for is to uplift your breast and get rid of the sagging that breastfeeding or weight fluctuations may have left you, mastopexy must be on your wish list. 

Also known as a breast lift, this surgery removes excess skin and fat, and re-arranges the tissue, resulting in firm and proportionate breasts. It may include the use of implants; however, this will be based on your personal preferences and needs, as well as your surgeon’s advice [2].

2. Abdominoplasty

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is highly recommended for moms who wish to recover their flat abdomen. This procedure extracts the excess fat from the area and also eliminates remaining skin, getting rid of skin marks such as cellulitis and stretch marks[3]. 

As if that weren’t enough, it is possible to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall and reduce your waist to sculpt your torso with tummy tuck surgery [4]. 

Find out about the differences between abdominoplasty and laser lipo here.

3. Breast augmentation

It is quite common that some women experience a slight or severe breast sagging after the breastfeeding period. Breast augmentation is one of the most recommended surgeries since it helps recover the natural breast lift.

Don’t be fooled! Read these 3 myths and truths about breast augmentation

This plastic surgery uses mammary implants, which are located in a way it does not affect the breastfeeding process in the future. Also, you may achieve incredibly natural results [5].

4. Laser lipolysis

This is one of the most performed surgeries by mothers and women in the whole world [6]. Its popularity is because it is a minimally invasive procedure capable of removing excess fat from any part of the body through laser technology. 

It is used on many occasions as a complementary procedure to other plastic surgeries such as mastopexy or tummy tuck, and it enables the removal of any undesired “fatty” you may get after pregnancy.

Laser lipolysis VS traditional lipo: find out why laser is best

5. Renuvion (J Plasma)

Are you looking to rejuvenate your skin and get rid of flaccidity?  Reunion (J plasma) is the surgical procedure you need to know. For its application, radiofrequency is firstly applied to stretch the skin and remove flaccidity, then helium is applied to tighten it, and finally, high-end technology is used to promote the generation of new collagen and elastin. 

In other words, to feel a young and firm skin nowadays is possible when you receive Renuvion (J plasma) procedure in the part of the body you want  [7].

In summary

Because of modern science and technology, it is possible to improve your body after pregnancy through one or more plastic surgeries. Problems such as flaccidity and fat deposits can be solved thanks to laser lipolysis, renuvion (j plasma), abdominoplasty, breast augmentation, and/or mastopexy.

If your goal is to reach your body’s best version, BetterMe helps you arrange every detail for your plastic surgery in Colombia so that you return home as a woman who is more comfortable with her physical appearance.

Contact us to receive personalized assistance about the procedure of your choice and begin your pre-consultation process today.


[1] Tehrani, K., MD. (2018, 3 enero). Everything you need to know about a mommy makeover. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Recuperado 1 de marzo de 2022, de https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-a-mommy-makeover#:%7E:text=Any%20reputable%20plastic%20surgeon%20will,you%20have%20a%20tummy%20tuck.

[2] BetterME. (2022, 20 enero). Mastopexy – BetterME. BetterME – Become Your Best Self. Recuperado 1 de marzo de 2022, de https://bettermegroup.com/mastopexy/

[3] BetterME. (2022a, enero 19). Abdominoplasty – BetterME. BetterME – Become Your Best Self. Recuperado 1 de marzo de 2022, de https://bettermegroup.com/abdominoplasty/

[4] BetterME. (2022b, enero 20). Breast augmentation – BetterME. BetterME – Become Your Best Self. Recuperado 1 de marzo de 2022, de https://bettermegroup.com/breast-augmentation/

[5] Think You Can’t Breastfeed After Implants? Think Again. (s. f.). Johns Hopkins Medicine. Recuperado 24 de febrero de 2022, de https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/think-you-cant-breastfeed-after-implants-think-again

[6] International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. (2020). ISAPS INTERNATIONAL SURVEY ON AESTHETIC/COSMETIC PROCEDURES 2019. ISAPS. https://www.isaps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Global-Survey-2019.pdf

[7] BetterME. (2022d, enero 20). Renuvion J-Plasma – BetterME. BetterME – Become Your Best Self. Recuperado 1 de marzo de 2022, de https://bettermegroup.com/renuvion-j-plasma-2/


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