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Debunking 5 common myths about plastic surgery

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Previously, plastic surgery was only accessible to celebrities and millionaires. Being a subject rarely admitted by celebrities in  public, the rumors that were created around it caused the creation of several urban myths.

Nowadays, things are different but some myths persist, despite the growing use of plastic surgery among the ordinary public and the wider diffusion of medical content through the Internet. 

For that reason, we would like to debunk some of these myths, so you can learn the facts and truths about this issue and not fall into false presumptions.

Read about these 10 celebrities who’ve admitted to plastic surgery

Plastic surgery myths

These are some of the most common myths that persist today:

Only wealthy people can afford plastic surgery

As we told you at the beginning of this article, in its origins plastic surgery was expensive and exclusive, so only very wealthy people had access to it. 

However, things are different today. Even if you need to save a certain amount of money, the costs and payment plans of some medical centers have allowed middle-class people to acquire these high-quality medical services in order to improve their appearance and/or restore their health [5].

Plastic surgery is a matter of appearances

While it is true that by undergoing plastic surgery you are transforming your appearance, it is also true that it allows patients to experience other benefits in terms of health and self-confidence. 

For instance, there are some surgical procedures such as J-plasma or laser lipolysis, which, besides contouring and defining a certain area of the body, help stimulate regenerative processes that improve skin health and the self-perception of beauty in patients’ bodies.

Learn what renuvion (J Plasma) is and how it works here

Plastic surgery is only for women

*Imagen de hombre/cirugía plástica

Although more women than men continue to have plastic surgery, this type of procedure is not exclusively for ladies. 

Men, just like women, may feel unhappy with some part of their body and wish to change some of their appearances. For this reason, it is becoming more and more common to see men consulting a doctor about liposuction, gynecomastia, or ear surgery. 

Moreover, we see how little by little famous men admit their procedures and inspire others to find an alternative to plastic surgery for their problems.

Top 5 plastic surgeries requested by men

Undergoing plastic surgery means going through a long recovery process

False! Most surgical procedures are outpatient and have a quick recovery time. The patient will almost always be able to return home the same day of surgery and resume their routine the following day if they wish. 

Besides, plastic surgeons recommend a set of caring tips to help their patients recover promptly. Some of them are based on the use of postoperative compression garments, lymphatic drainage massages, and restricted physical activity demanding the treated area. 

Learn why postoperative massages are important

It is not reliable to undergo plastic surgery abroad

With its increased popularity and globalization, people who want to undergo plastic surgery have found medical tourism a great alternative to obtain the ideal results in foreign countries at a lower cost. 

According to ISAPS, there are certified plastic surgeons all over the world who contribute to the good practices of famous surgical procedures such as breast augmentation or rhinoplasty. In Colombia alone, there are more than 1,000 plastic surgeons registered in its database who have extensive experience in the field.  

These are the 10 things you need to know about plastic surgery in Colombia

In summary

Today, plastic surgeries are accessible to more patients around the world, regardless of whether they are men or women. They fit different budgets and not only provide aesthetic value but also contribute to improving the health and self-confidence of many patients. So, stop being stuck in the past and learn more about all the benefits plastic surgery can offer you now.

At BetterMe we have been coordinating every detail of any plastic surgery experience in Colombia for the past 15 years.  We match you with the best board-certified plastic surgeons and high-quality clinics to help you achieve your dream body.

Contact us and get personalized assistance to schedule your surgical procedure in Colombia and begin your pre-consultation process today.

Read these 3 myths  and truths about breast augmentation surgery


[1] América Economía. (2021, 10 diciembre). Ranking de los mejores hospitales 2021: el futuro que la pandemia nos está legando. https://www.americaeconomia.com/negocios-industrias/ranking-de-los-mejores-hospitales-2021-el-futuro-que-la-pandemia-nos-esta. Recuperado 13 de diciembre de 2021, de https://www.americaeconomia.com/negocios-industrias/ranking-de-los-mejores-hospitales-2021-el-futuro-que-la-pandemia-nos-esta

[2] British Assosiation of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. (2020, marzo). Cosmetic Surgery Trends: Reduction in overall numbers as industry associations campaign for education and tighter regulation. Recuperado 5 de enero de 2022, de https://baaps.org.uk/about/news/1807/cosmetic_surgery_trends_reduction_in_overall_numbers_as_industry_associations_campaign_for_education_and_tighter_regulation/

[3] Concejo de Medellín. (2020). Nuevas modalidades de los centros de estética ilegales para atraer pacientes | Concejo de Medellín. concejodemedellin.gov.co. Recuperado 21 de diciembre de 2021, de https://www.concejodemedellin.gov.co/es/node/1471?language_content_entity=es

[4] Fortune Business Insights. (2019). Cosmetic surgery market size, share, growth. Report 2026. https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/cosmetic-surgery-market-102628

[5] World Health Organization. (2021a). Measuring Overall Health System Performance for 191 countries (N.o 30). WHO.INT. https://www.who.int/healthinfo/paper30.pdf?ua=1


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