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Does breast reduction benefit men and women the same?

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Breast reduction is one of the plastic surgeries presenting the highest levels of satisfaction among both men and women. This is due to the fact that both genres obtain similar benefits in spite of consulting their doctors for different reasons.

This procedure, also known as mastopexy or breast lift, is very popular among women who suffer from back pain, have trouble getting clothes that fit, experience skin irritation, and feel uncomfortable to work out due to their breasts size.

On the other hand, the reasons a man gets medical consultation are usually quite different. They seek a plastic surgeon when their pectorals are enlarged due to hormonal problems in the area called gynecomastia or fat deposits that they haven’t been able to reduce with exercise or other forms. 

Whatever the reason for consultation is, patients with enlarged mammary glands externalize self-confidence matters which impact their daily life.

Fortunately, breast reduction is able to correct and provide a renewed image and multiple benefits for patients. Below, we describe some of them for you. 

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Benefits of breast reduction surgery 

1. Pain and discomfort relief

The first thing to keep in mind is that you’ll take a load off your shoulders when removing tissue from your body. In fact, you will feel lighter almost immediately. This way, your posture will improve, you could reduce the use of analgesics (if it’s the case), and you will feel much more comfortable with your body when working out or using tight clothes [3] .

2. Improve your state of health

After relieving pain, and, being lighter, many patients feel highly motivated to practice physical activities after breast reduction surgery. This allows the respiratory and lymphatic systems (in charge of eliminating excess residues out of our body) to work better [3]. Bringing harmony to the patient’s physical, psychological and emotional states of health.

3. Improve your personal relationships

It is certain that the most important relationship is with ourselves. So, from that, we’ll thrive the way we relate with others. This is why, when increasing self-confidence, many patients affirm their personal relationships with friends and partners get better. Also, their social lives get boosted and so does their public and personal image. As a result, their quality of life is improved [1].

What to expect from breast reduction surgery

The way to proceed with this surgery will vary depending on which technique is used by the consulted plastic surgeon. The procedure may involve incisions and/or liposuction to remove excess fat.

After surgery, the breast will be protected with a gauze dressing or a bandage. You should sleep on your back, and the surgeon will recommend the use of a post-surgical compression garment for the period of time they determine.

In summary

As you can see, whether you are a man or a woman, undergoing breast reduction surgery can grant you many benefits. This plastic surgery provides a life quality improvement with its permanent results.

Although this surgery is performed in Northamerica [6], many people travel abroad, to countries such as Colombia, to find better prices in clinics with high-quality medical attention.

Read this article about the 10 things you need to know about plastic surgery in Colombia

For this reason, at BetterMe we help you arrange, from beginning to end, your surgical procedure. By planning your trip with us, you’ll have access to board-certified, widely experienced plastic surgeons, who operate at the best high-quality medical centers.

With our customized all-inclusive packages, you won’t have to worry about travel arrangements, transportation, or postoperative issues. We want you to enjoy the land of magical realism while your image reaches its best. Contact us and start today your medical evaluation process with us.


[1] Shakespeare, V., & Postle, K. (1999). A qualitative study of patients’ views on the effects of breast-reduction surgery: a 

2-year follow-up survey. British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 52(3), 198–204. https://doi.org/10.1054/bjps.1999.3106
[2] Starley, I., Bryden, D., Tagari, S., Mohammed, P., & Jones, R. (1998). An investigation into changes in lung function and the subjective medical benefits from breast reduction surgery. British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 51(7), 531–534. 


[3] Chao JD, Memmel HC, Redding JF, et al. Reduction mammaplasty is a functional operation, improving quality of life in symptomatic women: a prospective, single-center breast reduction outcome study. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 

2002 Dec;110(7):1644-52; discussion 1653-4. DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000033029.01084.57. PMID: 12447043.

[4] Agrandamiento de los pechos en los hombres (ginecomastia) – Síntomas y causas – Mayo Clinic. (2021, 16 octubre). Mayo Clinic. Recuperado 8 de febrero de 2022, de https://www.mayoclinic.org/eses/diseasesconditions/gynecomastia/symptoms-causes/syc-20351793#:%7E:text=Aumento%20en%20el%20tama%C3%B1o%20de%20las%20mamas%20en%20hombres%20(ginecomastia),La%20ginecomastia%20hace&text=La%20ginecomastia%20es%20un%20aumento,algunas%20veces%20de%20manera%20desigual.

[5] Ventajas de la reducción de pecho: La cirugía feliz. (2018, 2 abril). Clínica Freire. Recuperado 9 de febrero de 2022, de http://clinicafreire.com/ventajas-de-la-reduccion-de-pecho-la-cirugia-feliz/[6] International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. (2020). ISAPS INTERNATIONAL SURVEY ON AESTHETIC/COSMETIC PROCEDURES 2019. ISAPS. https://www.isaps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Global-Survey-2019.pdf


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