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Plastic surgery in Colombia: top 5 procedures

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Plastic surgery continues increasing in popularity every year and Colombia has positioned itself among the countries in the world with the highest number of procedures performed annually [1].

Colombia has stood out in recent years for its highly trained professionals, its excellent quality clinics and hospitals, the development of current techniques in aesthetic procedures and the use of innovative technology. 

For these reasons, we would like to explain some of the official figures that confirm the popularity of this country and the enthusiasm of international patients for traveling to Colombia to undergo plastic surgery. In addition, we will tell you which are the most demanded procedures and a summarized explanation of each one of them.

Read the article Is Colombia a good place to undergo plastic surgery? to learn more.

Plastic surgery figures in Colombia

Colombia is one of the top 10 countries in the world that performed the most plastic surgeries. For example, 267,641 surgical procedures were registered in 2019. 

With a wide variety of oparated people, Colombia also ranks as one of the top 5 countries that receive the most foreigners on average [1]. The average percentage of patients who come from other countries equals 17.8%.

The quantity of foreign patients increases while Colombian surgeons grow their fame, and demonstrate excellence and expertise in the field. Today, Colombia maintains its average at the same level of countries such as Mexico, Thailand, India and Greece (average of foreign patients approx. 10%). [1]

What kind of plastic surgeries does Colombia perform?

Body procedures, such as abdominoplasty and liposuction, are the most popular in this country, corresponding to 36.6% of the total procedures performed. However, their experience extends to all types of surgeries without considerable differences: 32.7% belong to facial procedures and 30.7% to breast procedures [1].

Taking into account the apogee of these procedures in the South American country, in this article, we focus on explaining in broad strokes each of them and describe their main benefits.

Check out our post on 10 things you should know about plastic surgery in Colombia for more details.

Most Common Plastic Surgery Procedures in Colombia

According to the 2019 survey by ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), the most common procedures in Colombia are: breast augmentation (14.8% of the total); liposuction (14.6%); eyelid surgery (10.0%); buttock augmentation (9.3%) and abdominoplasty or tummy-tuck (8.1%). [1] 

In this country of tricolor flag, you will find surgeons of multiple specialties with whom you can achieve your best version.  That is why we made this list, where we explain some of the most demanded surgical procedures there, so you can take them into account in your wish list when planning your medical trip to Colombia.

Breast augmentation

Augmentation mammoplasty or breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that raises and increases the size of the breasts by means of implants. The size of these implants will depend on the medical diagnosis and the patient’s personal taste. In addition, they do not alter fertility or future breastfeeding [6].


● The surgery is ambulatory, recovery is usually quick and the scar is imperceptible.

● Add volume and enhance the shape of your breasts with prostheses.

● Embrace your femininity and enhance your self-esteem with firm, proportionate breasts.


Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes fat and contours the body. There are two main types of liposuction: traditional and laser. 

The first uses blunt-tipped cannulas to make small incisions working with fluids [4]. Meanwhile, the other allows the removal of localized fat with a less invasive technique by using high-end laser technology to vaporize and melt the fat deposits [5].

Both types of liposuction share the same purpose, but the techniques and technology make the difference. To learn more about their difference, check out this article on the differences between traditional and laser liposuction.


● Achieve a more defined, less flabby and slimmer silhouette with this surgical procedure.

● Laser liposuction stimulates the process of neocollagenesis or new collagen production after surgery. This allows the skin to look tighter than before and feel firmer.

Eyelid surgery

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a procedure that removes concentrated fat and/or skin from the upper or lower eyelids, allowing you to look less tired, more youthful and with a greater visual range [9].


● Reduce puffy eyelids and diminish the tired look.

● Look younger with long-lasting results from an outpatient procedure.

● Results that will end in smoother skin around the eyes as it eliminates bags and some wrinkles around the area.

Buttock augmentation

Buttock implant is a plastic surgery that increases the volume and lifts this area of the body with silicone prostheses. At the discretion of the plastic surgeon, these implants can be placed under, in the middle or on top of the gluteal muscle depending on the case.

The size, shape and texture of the prostheses will vary according to the medical evaluation and the patient’s personal taste [8]. 


● Displays curvier hips and a sexier figure. 

● A surgery that results in an almost invisible scar.

● Achieve defined buttocks of the size and shape you desire.


Abdominoplasty, also known as tummy-tuck, is a plastic surgery that removes excess fat and skin from the abdomen area to sculpt the body in a sculpted shape.

With abdominoplasty you can also tighten the loose skin of the belly by pulling together the weakened muscles of the abdominal wall, shaping the waistline as well.  As a result, a flat abdomen, tight skin and a narrower waistline are obtained [7].


● Show off the flat, firm abdomen you desire.

● Eliminates stretch marks below the belly button to rejuvenate your tummy.

● Abdominoplasty leaves a small scar, usually around the pubic hairline, so it is hidden underwear or a bikini, and many patients claim that it becomes almost invisible after 6 months.

In conclusion, Colombia has important reasons to become one of the most popular countries for plastic surgery because it has certified and experienced surgeons in different cosmetic specialties. 

Therefore, it is chosen as our main recommended destination for those who seek our advice because it has proven to be a leader in aesthetic medicine.

As experts in the creation of medical tourism experiences, BetterMe assists North American patients in the arrangement of their trip and plastic surgery.

In this way, BetterMe cares about connecting you with the best health professionals so you can experience their excellence for yourself. In addition, we organize your trip according to your needs so that you return home looking your best.

Contact us at info@bettermegroup.com to start your pre-consultation process about the surgical procedure you desire and achieve the image that will renew your self-esteem.

[1] International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. (2020). ISAPS INTERNATIONAL SURVEY ON AESTHETIC/COSMETIC PROCEDURES 2019. ISAPS. https://www.isaps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Global-Survey-2019.pdf

[2] Campbell, C. A., Restrepo, C., Navas, G., Vergara, I., & Peluffo, L. (2019). Plastic Surgery Medical Tourism in Colombia: A Review of 658 International Patients and 1,796 Cosmetic Surgery Procedures. PRS Global Open. https://doi.org/10.1097/GOX.0000000000002233

[3] América Economía. (2021, 10 diciembre). Ranking de los mejores hospitales 2021: el futuro que la pandemia nos está legando. Recuperado 13 de diciembre de 2021, de https://www.americaeconomia.com/negocios-industrias/ranking-de-los-mejores-hospitales-2021-el-futuro-que-la-pandemia-nos-esta

[4] Mordon, S., & Plot, E. (2009). Laser lipolysis versus traditional liposuction for fat removal. Expert Review of Medical Devices, 6(6), 677–688. https://doi.org/10.1586/erd.09.50

[5] BetterME. (2021, 24 diciembre). Laser liposuction – BetterME. BetterME. Recuperado 27 de diciembre de 2021, de https://bettermegroup.com/laser-liposuction/

[6] BetterME. (2021a, diciembre 13). Breast augmentation – BetterME. BetterME -. https://bettermegroup.com/breast-augmentation/

[7] BetterME. (2021b, diciembre 23). Abdominoplasty – BetterME. BetterME -. Recuperado 27 de diciembre de 2021, de https://bettermegroup.com/abdominoplasty/

[8] BetterME. (2021c, diciembre 24). Buttock Implants – BetterME. BetterME -. Recuperado 27 de diciembre de 2021, de https://bettermegroup.com/buttock-implants/

[9] BetterME. (2021c, diciembre 23). Blepharoplasty – BetterME. BetterME -. Recuperado 27 de diciembre de 2021, de https://bettermegroup.com/blepharoplasty/

[10] World Health Organization. (2021b). MEASURING OVERALL HEALTH SYSTEM PERFORMANCE FOR 191 COUNTRIES (N.o 30). Who.int. https://www.who.int/healthinfo/paper30.pdf?ua=1[11] Cosmetic Surgery Prices in Colombia. (s. f.). Plasticsurgery-Colombia.Com. Recuperado 28 de diciembre de 2021, de https://plasticsurgery-colombia.com/Prices.html


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