Home English Professional teeth whitening: what do you need to know?

Professional teeth whitening: what do you need to know?

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If you are one of those people who frequently retouch the color of your teeth in photos with the help of image editors, this article is for you. It’s time to take control of the situation and consider a more permanent solution such as a professional teeth whitening.

This procedure is provided under dental consultation to lighten the shade of the teeth or remove stains produced by the consumption of certain foods such as coffee, the presence of plaque, the use of cigarettes, among other factors. For this reason, we have compiled the best information you should know about this subject before your next dental appointment.

What does teeth whitening consist of?

Teeth whitening consists of removing the yellowish color from the surface of the teeth in order to improve their appearance [6]. To achieve this goal, the dentist applies a gel as a whitening agent that oxygenates the tooth and another on the gum to protect it from any discomfort. Then, a special lamp is used to activate the process and the patient usually waits an hour or less to obtain the desired results [8].

Depending on the case and the level of darkening, the dentist will determine how many sessions are necessary for the patient and whether complementary treatments are essential to improve the smile design. Usually one or two sessions are enough.

How many shades can teeth whitening lighten?

The specialist uses a color scale to determine the color of the current teeth and the most suitable degradation that could be obtained with teeth whitening. It is possible to lighten from 2 to 3 shades without affecting the tooth enamel [2], but it is the dentist who will determine the number of shades to achieve a natural effect according to the case [4].

teeth whitening

What are the benefits ?

Besides the obvious benefit of eliminating pigments on the enamel [3], there are other advantages that teeth whitening can offer. Some of the main ones are [1]:

  1. Better personal image: a whiter smile increases the patient’s attractiveness and gives him/her greater self-confidence to be in contact with other people.
  2. Painless: the patient won’t feel any kind of pain while he/she undergoes this dental procedure. Although the patient may feel some sensitivity after the intervention, it quickly disappears during recovery.
  3. Immediate results: the results of the procedure can be seen the same day after the intervention is finished.

What recommendations should be followed after teeth whitening?

After teeth whitening, it is important to follow the dentist’s recommendations such as using a special toothpaste for the sensitivity that may occur during the first few days, avoiding the consumption of foods such as coffee [7], tea and wine, using mouthwashes that keep the color, and maintaining a complete hygiene routine.

In addition, nicotine and tobacco are the number one enemy of teeth whitening. Their consumption produces unsightly yellow stains that would spoil the treatment. So, their intake is usually forbidden for a long time [5].

How long should I wait to perfomance a teeth whitening again?

The duration of a teeth whitening will depend on the habits that the patient has maintained to take care of the result. Some experts say that the teeth may remain relatively white for two or three years [9], and then a retouch whitening may be done if the dentist considers it necessary. Although it is not a permanent treatment, medical supervision will be vital to determine the timing of a new application.

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In summary

Tooth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry treatment that allows to improve the color of the teeth in an effective and fast way. It is performed under a photoactivation model where a whitening agent is applied, and then, it is activated through the heat emitted by special lamps.

In addition, it is a painless procedure that allows to lighten the teeth the amount of shades that the dentist deems necessary to achieve a different and natural look, its result increases the self-confidence of patients and it can last for years depending on the maintenance care that patients have been taken.

At BetterMe, we will soon have available this service in Colombia for all our users. We have personalized assistance to arrange every detail of your trip and treatment. Follow us on social networks or contact us to keep up to date with our latest news.

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[1] Clínica Castelo. 2021. Blanqueamiento dental ¿Qué es, cómo se hace y cuáles son sus tipos? – Clinica Dental Madrid, en El Retiro. Clínica Castelo. [online] Available at: <https://clinicacastelo.com/blog/blanqueamiento-dental-tipos-que-es/> [Accessed 29 July 2022].

[2] Clinicasesteticas. 2020. ¿Cuántos tonos se pueden blanquear los dientes?. [online] Available at: <https://www.clinicasesteticas.com.co/preguntas/diseno-de-sonrisa/cuantos-tonos-se-pueden-blanquear-los-dientes#:~:text=Con%20el%20aclaramiento%20dental%20puedes,h%C3%A1bitos%20y%20cuidados%20del%20paciente> [Accessed 29 July 2022].

[3] Hopkinsmedicine.org. 2022. Teeth Whitening. [online] Available at: <https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/teeth-whitening> [Accessed 29 July 2022].

[4] Lozano, M., 2017. ¿Cuántos tonos aclara el blanqueamiento dental? – Axioma Estudi Dental. [online] Axioma Estudi Dental. Available at: <https://axiomaestudidental.com/blanqueamiento-dental-tonos/#%C2%BFCuantos_tonos_aclara_blanqueamiento_dental> [Accessed 29 July 2022].

[5] nhs.uk. 2022. Teeth whitening. [online] Available at: <https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/teeth-whitening/> [Accessed 29 July 2022].

[6] Nunez, K. and Khosravi, R., 2022. Laser Teeth Whitening: Procedure, Benefits, Costs. [online] Healthline. Available at: <https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/laser-teeth-whitening#risks> [Accessed 29 July 2022].

[7] Pontes Nogueira, J., Lins-Filho, P., Ferreira Dias, M., Falcão Silva, M. and Pedrosa Guimarães, R., 2019. Does comsumption of staining drinks compromise the result of tooth whitening?. [online] National Library of Medicine. Available at: <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6825736/> [Accessed 29 July 2022].

[8] Shinde, E. and Willardsen, J., 2022. Professional Teeth Whitening: Everything You Need To Know. [online] Forbes Health. Available at: <https://www.forbes.com/health/body/professional-teeth-whitening-guide/> [Accessed 29 July 2022].

[9] Whelan, C. and Archibald, J., 2021. How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last? Duration, Side Effects, and More. [online] Healthline. Available at: <https://www.healthline.com/health/how-long-does-teeth-whitening-last#how-long-does-it-last> [Accessed 29 July 2022].


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