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What do you do after smile design?

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More and more patients visit the specialist every year to modify their teeth and feel more comfortable with their teeth. Dental treatments to beautify the smile are here to stay, and therefore, it has become more relevant to know the care we should do after a smile design.

So, we have compiled a series of recommendations to maintain the results of this procedure for longer and take the opportunity to answer some common questions on the subject.

How do the teeth look after smile design?

The success of a smile design begins with the dental evaluation. The dentist studies the patient’s case in a personalized way to look for the reasons for disharmony between teeth, gums and lips; and then, he/she determines the series of procedures that the patient should follow [1]. 

An example of how your teeth would look like after a smile design is shown in the picture below:

after a smile design

How do you care for your teeth after smile design?

To maintain the results of a smile design for longer, experts recommend following the suggestions of this checklist [5]:

Establish a proper oral hygiene routine

Although it may seem obvious, you’d be surprised how many people don’t follow an oral hygiene routine on a regular basis. It is extremely necessary to establish this habit in order to maintain results. In some cases, the dentist will ask you to change your toothpaste for another one with different specifications, use floss and employ mouthwash. 

Avoid foods that cause pigmentation or are hard / sticky

Watching what you eat will prevent accidental damages. For example, very hard foods could unintentionally break a dental veneer. Also, black drinks such as coffee and cigarettes have the potential to stain teeth. Therefore, moderate use or suspension of these is advised.

Attend subsequent dental check-ups

Going to your regular check-ups after completed treatments will allow your dentist to follow up in a timely manner and determine if you need any touch-up procedures. Medical supervision will always be the best solution to doubts or unexpected situations.

How long do the results last after smile design?

We can say that maintaining the desired results after smile design is not complicated. Patients should be aware of avoiding hard foods, cigarettes and dark drinks that will not damage the work done. In addition, attending regular check-ups and maintaining a healthy oral hygiene will also be very helpful in avoiding mistakes.

Smile design has undoubtedly become a must-have procedure for patients seeking real and long-term changes to their physique. A beautiful smile opens doors, improves perceived confidence and increases your attractiveness [2]. 

At BetterMe, we will soon have this service available for all our clients. We have personalized assistance to coordinate every detail of your trip and treatment in Colombia. Follow us on social media or contact us to keep up to date with our latest news.

Another post that might interest you: Celebrities before and after smile designs 


Fuentes de información:

[1] 1485 – Dental Spa. 2020. Beneficios del diseño de sonrisa que debes conocer. [online] Available at: <https://1485dentalspa.com/beneficios-diseno-sonrisa/> [Accessed 30 June 2022].

[2] Dental Wellness Phoenixville. 2016. The Benefits of Having a Beautiful Smile. [online] Available at: <https://padentalwellness.com/cosmetic-dentistry/the-benefits-of-having-a-beautiful-smile/> [Accessed 30 June 2022].

[3] El Espectador. 2022. ¿Cuánto tiempo dura un diseño de sonrisa? Qué recomendaciones debe seguir. [online] Available at: <https://www.elespectador.com/cromos/estilo-de-vida/cuanto-tiempo-dura-un-diseno-de-sonrisa-que-recomendaciones-debe-seguir/> [Accessed 1 July 2022].

[4] Scharlemann, J., Eckel, C., Kacelnik, A. and Wilson, R., 2001. The Value of a Smile: Game theory with a human face. [online] ResearchGate. Available at: <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2609093_The_Value_of_a_Smile_Game_theory_with_a_human_face> [Accessed 30 June 2022].

[5] SEMANA. 2022. ¿Qué se debe tener en cuenta antes y después de un diseño de sonrisa?. [online] Available at: <https://www.semana.com/vida-moderna/articulo/que-se-debe-tener-en-cuenta-antes-y-despues-de-un-diseno-de-sonrisa/202219/> [Accessed 2 July 2022].


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