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What foods to eat after plastic surgery?

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After laser liposuction, abdominoplasty, or any other type of plastic surgery, it is normal to consult with your doctor about the foods you can eat in the days following the intervention. 

Although each patient will have his or her indications, there is a certain group of foods that will benefit a quick recovery in most cases. This is why we have compiled a list of the main nutrients that you should maintain or include in your diet and which ones you should avoid after plastic surgery.

Beneficial foods after plastic surgery

During the postoperative period, your body will need an adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that will help with a fast recovery and accelerate the production of collagen for good healing. 

So consider adding or increasing the consumption of the following foods, unless you have other instructions from your plastic surgeon or nutritionist that do not allow you to do so:

  • Proteins: this macronutrient is essential for tissue repair and the production of new blood cells and collagen [3]. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the recommended amount of protein is at least 0.83 g of protein per day per kg of body weight in adults [2]; i.e. 58 g per day for an adult with an average weight of 70 kg as an example.

You can easily find them in lean fish and organic meats, eggs, seeds, nuts, and quinoa.

  • Vitamin A and C: the consumption of antioxidants allows a greater elimination of free radicals and it is an exceptional help to improve the healing time of patients. So including various sources of vitamin A [9] and C [8] will allow for better recovery. 

Some foods where you can find these nutrients naturally would be carrots, spinach, broccoli, sweet red peppers, mango, melon, kiwi, orange, cauliflower, and tomatoes, among others.

  • Iron and zinc: These two nutrients also contribute to a quick recovery of the body. Iron is a mineral that is responsible for the production of hemoglobin [10], which facilitates the transport of oxygen to the tissues that are healing. On the other hand, zinc contributes to the strengthening of the immune system [11] of patients.

Some foods where you can find these nutrients naturally would be:

Iron: Liver, red and lean meats, spinach, asparagus, kale, etc. It is said that if you mix some lean meat, fish, or poultry with legumes or dark leafy greens in a meal, you can improve up to three times the absorption of iron from plant sources.

Zinc: beef, pork, lamb, nuts, whole grains, legumes, and yeast.

  • Water: Although it may seem obvious, water consumption becomes more important during the recovery period. Hydrated skin promotes rapid healing of incisions, while dry skin makes it more difficult the heal.

According to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, it was determined that an approximate intake of 3.7 liters of water per day for men and 2.7 liters of water per day for women [5] would be the most adequate for the proper functioning of each organism.

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Foods to avoid after plastic surgery

Just as there are foods that help to reduce inflammation, tissue repair, and strengthen the immune system, there are others that hinder these functions within the body. Therefore, it is important to decrease or avoid the consumption of these foods during the first weeks after the intervention to improve the recovery time.

Some of them are:

  • Salt: excessive consumption of sodium can cause fluid retention and prolong the swelling that may occur after plastic surgery [1].
  • Sugar: Studies have linked this food to increased inflammation in the body [12] and even suppression of the immune system. Therefore, excessive consumption of added sugars can slow down a patient’s rate of recovery.
  • Alcohol: Like salt, it can lead to fluid retention, causing the skin to become more dehydrated than it should [6]. In addition, mixing alcohol with any prescription pain medication could generate negative results for the body.

In summary

Nutrition is an important factor to maintain the results of the surgical intervention and to achieve a quick recovery. Some nutrients such as iron, protein, water, and vitamins such A and C provide excellent benefits during the recovery, anti-inflammatory process, and elimination of waste from the body, achieving more accelerated healing.

On the other hand, there are foods with a high concentration of added sugars, salt, and/or alcohol that can retain liquids and slow down the body’s recovery process. Therefore, the advice would be to avoid them until the doctor allows their consumption again in moderation.

For this reason, it is essential for the patient to maintain a high level of commitment during the recovery process, to follow the doctor’s recommendations, and to make the follow-up appointments with the plastic surgeon on time. 

At BetterMe, you will have no problem finding the right foods. We will make sure you receive the nutrient-dense meals you need for your post-surgical recovery. Contact us to receive more information and discover the best medical tourism experience you can have in Colombia.

We offer body and facial surgical procedures with board-certified plastic surgeons operating in the best clinics in the country. Ask today about our services and receive a free medical consultation.

What are you waiting for to achieve the best version of yourself?

Also, you could be interested in reading: 3 medical tips you must know before plastic surgery



[1] Edinaplasticsurgery.com. 2022. The Plastic Surgery Diet: What foods to eat and avoid before and after your surgery | Edina Plastic Surgery. [online] Available at: <https://www.edinaplasticsurgery.com/the-plastic-surgery-diet-what-foods-to-eat-and-avoid-before-and-after-your-surgery/> [Accessed 13 April 2022].

[2] Efsa. 2022. Dietary Reference Values for the EU Finder. [online] Available at: <https://multimedia.efsa.europa.eu/drvs/index.htm> [Accessed 13 April 2022].

[3] Harvard Health. 2022. The sweet danger of sugar – Harvard Health. [online] Available at: <https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/the-sweet-danger-of-sugar> [Accessed 13 April 2022].

[4] Mangatplasticsurgery.com. 2022. Best Foods To Eat For Healing After Plastic Surgery –. [online] Available at: <https://www.mangatplasticsurgery.com/blog/best-foods-to-eat-for-healing-after-plastic-surgery/> [Accessed 13 April 2022].

[5] Mayo Clinic. 2022. ¿Cuánta agua necesitas para estar saludable?. [online] Available at: <https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/water/art-20044256> [Accessed 13 April 2022].

[6] Niaaa.nih.gov. 2022. Resaca | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). [online] Available at: <https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/resaca#:~:text=Varios%20factores%20pueden%20contribuir%20a,la%20p%C3%A9rdida%20excesiva%20de%20l%C3%ADquidos> [Accessed 13 April 2022].

[7] Northeasternplasticsurgery.com. 2022. THE PLASTIC SURGERY DIET: FOODS TO EAT, FOODS TO AVOID: Joseph Fodero, MD PA: Plastic Surgery. [online] Available at: <https://www.northeasternplasticsurgery.com/blog/the-plastic-surgery-diet-foods-to-eat-foods-to-avoid> [Accessed 13 April 2022].

[8] Ods.od.nih.gov. 2022. Office of Dietary Supplements – Vitamina C. [online] Available at: <https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminC-DatosEnEspanol/> [Accessed 13 April 2022].

[9] Principal, P., médica, E. and A, V., 2022. Vitamina A: MedlinePlus enciclopedia médica. [online] Medlineplus.gov. Available at: <https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/article/002400.htm#:~:text=Productos%20l%C3%A1cteos%20como%20queso%20y,vegetales%20de%20hoja%20verde%20oscuro> [Accessed 13 April 2022].

[10] Principal, P., médica, E. and dieta, H., 2022. Hierro en la dieta: MedlinePlus enciclopedia médica. [online] Medlineplus.gov. Available at: <https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/article/002422.htm> [Accessed 13 April 2022].

[11] Principal, P., médica, E. and dieta, Z., 2022. Zinc en la dieta: MedlinePlus enciclopedia médica. [online] Medlineplus.gov. Available at: <https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/article/002416.htm#:~:text=Funciones,-Expanda%20secci%C3%B3n&text=El%20zinc%20se%20encuentra%20en,el%20metabolismo%20de%20los%20carbohidratos> [Accessed 13 April 2022].

[12] Sollid, RD, K., 2022. Food and Inflammation Series: Is Sugar Inflammatory?. [online] Food Insight. Available at: <https://foodinsight.org/food-and-inflammation-series-is-sugar-inflammatory/> [Accessed 13 April 2022].


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